Monday, May 25

Counting Days Off

The weather has been so hot lately. For everyday in Akasia I could hardly get a decent night sleep. I stare turn flip around the bed for the most of the night. Sigh.

And I’m not going to Redang anyway. How frustrating is that. Njt I so wanna see u and your joel again (or just so to tease u guys :P) and I so wanna spent this last holiday with u Satlaisers! Maybe u guys haven’t got the news.. the reason I’m not going is my graduation night and ceremony both falls on 18th and 19th of June. Ok I can miss that prom thing but there’s no way to run off with that graduation ceremony lar… Sorry guys :(

Now that Intec days are finally approaching an end I’m a  little doleful. *gasp. i cant believe i said that* A huge part of me wanted this all to end as quickly as it can but 2 years is certainly enough to at least leave some vestiges in you. There are days that I fall sick and had to walk to the clinic alone half dead; there are days that we laughed so loud in class I wished these were my classmates forever. This was a chapter in life that I was almost forced to open but there’s a tad of reluctance in closing it now.

Another thing is that, I’m contemplating between a Mac and Vaio. I kept thinking that if I’m ever gonna switch to Mac it’s now. Mac users, advice! Is it worth it?


Joel said...


JT's gonna say no... but seriously, once you go mac, you're never going back!

besides, mac can install windows =)

best to go to the shop to try it out.
I won't say its soooo great lah. Just easier to do complex tasks.

takes a lot of getting used to. Tho windows 7 is coming out.

Jin said...

>< no mac no mac!

Joel said...

wei jt~ u don't be so biased ok!

at least mac is studier, tougher, made of stainless aluminum which cools faster, lighter, fits into a sleeve - 1.5cm x 21cm's battery last longer, doesn't have virus, doesn't corrupt, doesn't break down, sounds and looks and works better than that vaio...

international warranty, slimmer, buying from the states u get it cheaper with lots of goodies and iPod touch!

buy vaio - I haven't seen one that hasn't broken down after 2 years (like jin tong's acer) no international warranty - big, heavy, power consuming, no recovery disks (that's shitty in the states - when windows goes kaput like it always does) and u need a laptop bag that says.. come snatch thief me, baddies! I'm carrying a lappie.

oh no... i sound like a sales person ><

airina said...

joel! what a rare occasion of u leaving a comment. and such a long one. hmp izzit true that it's better to buy in the states? but i compared the prices and it's only a difference of 100-200 bucks..

btw how ya coping with tong? everything cool? ;)

Jin said...

lol mr joel! who said you didnt leave an essay here?? it's longer than what i imagined. lol kk mac, if you dont want to play all those yahoo cheapblak games (eg. feeding frenzy) =P

Jin said...

btw, jintong's acer = airina's acer
my acer still can work kkk! but i dont think rina your one still can work.. lol

Joel said...

Hi Airina, prepare for a longer one!

everything's just perfect with tong and we're doing awesome! =)

lol. only thats she's anti-mac (coz cempaka uses mac and she doesn't know how) - while I'm neutral ^^

Last time I checked (a year ago) it was cheaper for students there with student price + free ipod. But I dunno now. If you're getting a mac - US better coz... the machines are newer, faster and their plugs match =)

Jin Tong complains about the mac's operating system - while I have been bashing PC's and haven't even gotten started with bashing Windows. (lasting,battery,coolness etc)

The reason being - mac's are good machines and can take the abuse. But the os needs ALOT of getting used to. Things don't work the way it does on XP (which i feel easier to use) but a whole lot better than vista (which takes up to 5 mins to boot like Tong's acer) I told her she can completely sidepark a car just before her vista boots up.

Mac's are ummm... more lasting in an alien environment - coz u don't have to worry about spare parts (all macs are interchangeable as compared to pc's - gotta go back to the same maker, same model) and its ability to sync with almost anything.

Last thing you need on a 3 year trip is things breaking down and nobody to fix it (or they charge u 2 arms and 1 leg) mac's warranty covers everything except theft.

you'll find functions of programs like msn and skype very limited on the mac - but you get in exchange lots of new programs that can do the job better & your computer's a whole lot neater (refer to my blog for neat ^^)

mac and install windows - and run windows at the same time as a program. eat that windows! or it can boot windows on its own. So no worries if you need to do something on the windows program.

but like i said, osx is hard to use in the beginning and needs lots of learning. once u get used to it, you'll find yourself booting mac - although u got windows installed. like me, coz its super fast and easier to use!

only thing i dislike - mac's msn and STUPID flat, chicklet style keyboard! which is the same on the vaio - as they coppied mac.

ps: dear, who says mac cannot play yahoo games? cempaka block u guys from playing games lah!

pps: your webcam's broken and that totally sucks if you're overseas

Jin said...

... let you win~~~~~~

airina said...

the osx is exactly what i'm worried of... what if i NEVER get used to it. lol. hmp but i think i've reached a decision (omg this is so antm -_-)

btw guys we really need to go out together at least once! since i'm gonna miss redang :(

Joel said...

hmmm... you should be able to and when you do, you don't want to use anything else.

even my dad's managed to make the switch. hehe. i handed down my old laptop to him.

we should meet up after exams. karaoke! too bad u won't be going. oh well, see u in kl - and then hopefully in kuantan later

... said...

when u buy a PC, u r considering a Vaio???

... get a Mac... (final)

Sabrina said...

it's surprising how INTEC can grow on you...we complain, complain, and complain all the time in INTEC...the guards are annoying, the food is bad, the rules are ridiculous, the rooms are too hot etc...but in the end, we make friends who even though we've only known for a year (in my case), seem to be friends we've known our whole lives.

airina said...

tique: what's wrong with vaio. since i've already ruled out hp, acer, and dell, what's left is vaio -_-

subby: how true. and speaking of life-long friends, we've actually only been classmates for 4 months! beat that! :D

Sabrina said...

oh ya hor...4 months only...doesn't seem like 4 months only though

... said...

Why did u rule out those?
Vaio is exquisite...
and for something exquisite...might as well get a Macbook~