Wednesday, May 14

of cheese baked rice and lingerie sales

How often do you overlook the fine prints because you're too blinded by the gigantic headlines?

Cashier: Thank you miss, 99 please.
Me: Sorry? I thought there's a 50% discount?
Cashier: Oh, the discount is only for your second item.
Me: Aiks really? *staring at him, pulling out another sheet of 50bucks reluctantly*
Cashier: Er so miss, do you want me to cancel your item?
Me: Can you?
Cashier: Of course.

Ladies, beware of the Marks & Spencer lingerie sales. :S

'What happened in Vegas' was mediocre. It's so typical of Cameron Diaz and the plot is just as predictable as any other romance comedy. But if you're seeking for a good laugh, it's yours.

Oh yar, Kim Gary came out with this cheese baked vegetables thing which looks really nice. Comments from Sabrina on her dinner: 'Black pepper sauSe is too spicy'. Anyway, spaghetti with black pepper gravy - what kind of combination is that?


Liz said...

Haha. I found the movie quite enjoyable. But I guess it's because I have watched few romantic comedies recently... lol. well, it's fun to watch coz' i get to laugh my a** off. Hehe.

samuel said...

nice blog..but u should add a shoutout box..get ur hubby to do it for you