Tuesday, May 27

Earthquakes @ Swenson's

Dinner at Swenson's yesterday - Tim's treat. Hah just a simple slip of tongue and he's hunted for life. How come they serve such a huge chunk when you order chicken and such diminutive portions when you order fish? I thought my salmon looked like fish fingers.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

Highlight of the day - EarthquakeS. Not Earthquake, but EarthquakeSSS!

Some of our favourites...
1. Lime - Dish washer flavor
2. Mint - Toothpaste flavor
3. Pistachio - *nothing to say*
Apparently I didn't know guys actually love cherries. I don't quite get how can anyone love cherries. It tastes worst than... pistachio.

Lesson learned : Not to order anything green when it comes to ice creams. Anyway, dinner was great. It's been quite some time since Austin had a gathering. Although not all were present (If they were, Tim would have literally died), it was still pretty fun. We had our Austin-laughs as usual, and not to forget, digging out who-said-what-about-who secrets from the guys.

Everything went well until... Hui Theng's series of unfortunate events began to unfold.
First unfortunate event
Ht, Yoke Peng, Hafiz and I were in a same cab back to Cemara. In the midst of bargaining, it suddenly broke down! Well I'm a lil skeptical about the breaking down part. The driver looked as if he was just too fed up with us. Ah... well then. Walked all the way back to ktm station for another cab.

Second unfortunate event
When we finally reached home, Ht realized all of a sudden that she left her jacket in the cab. Well we all know bout rules in Cemara... No jacket/cardigan - saman. So Ht and I went back to ktm station once again in her car. Ok, that wasn't even the worst part.

Third unfortunate event
There wasn't even a single cab when we reached the station. No choice but to wait. Wait wait wait... wait wait wait... More and more cabs arrived and eventually, the entire taxi community (as ht calls it) were searching for one lost jacket. And you know what, we actually found the cab that we were waiting for. BUT, no jacket inside. Sigh. We all guessed that she must have left it in that first cab who broke down.

Wrong. She dropped it along the road while walking back to the hostel.

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