Wednesday, June 18



今天的天气非常阴暗,但却没有给我那份亲切的感觉。可能是前几个晚上都睡不好,搞得心情较沉重,上课时也不太爱讲话。回想起来,中学的我真的非常多话,不讲话真的难过不吃饭!现在的我给别人的印象却是很独来独往的,不喜欢多说话 - 喜欢沉醉在自己的空间里。这是一个好的转变吗?我自己也不懂。或许少一点说话能让我看得更多,听得更清楚。人的面目,朋友的丝丝细语,我都听清楚了。

今天我睡醒从房间出来时,客厅并没有像以往那样。阴暗的天气都把阳光给吞噬了,屋里需要借助灯光来照亮一切。在没开灯的那一刻,突然感得很寂寞,而那份寂寞确是很陌生的,意味着孤单,冷落。最后一个礼拜了。在这里交的第一群朋友 - 也是最了解我的一群 - 即将离开,到很远很远去。明年我也会到哪里,但何时能好象现在这样说说笑笑,是个可怕的未知数。



Snail Evelyn said...

Wah... Airina Lee blog in chinese!! miracle~~ =p anyway,kinda miss reading ur chinese words,last time used to like reading ur chinese essays. Hee..

airina said...

aiks really anot. hehe. anyway i still cant read your blog lo :(

Sabrina said...

sigh, wish u will be flying with us. I will miss u, A LOT!!! u r one of the few whom I can really talk to and relate to. D times we spent together, in Austin, shopping(tho not many times), watcing movies etc...I will remember them. Hugs

airina said...

bree u are making me emo again... ah! lets hope that we'll have lotsa fun this few days!! *hugs*